Be an Author

To apply to be in a forthcoming issue, please complete the short form at the end of this page. Information about the submission process is below. 

  • We launch themed open calls for each issue. The call is free to participate in and open to writers who identify as coming from a Black, Brown or Global Majority/ Global South background.
  • We welcome a variety of submissions across genres: academic or research-based articles (understandable to non-academics), reflective essays, creative outputs (poetry, fiction prose, music, artwork), campaigning features, recollections, and commentaries.
  • If your submission is selected, you will be assigned a mentor, who will meet with you to provide writer’s development sessions and provide critical feedback on your work. Mentors will provide you with a timeline for submission
  • Authors will be paid £150 for their submission. We aim to reduce the race pay gap by offering financial payment to racialised minority early career researchers to publish their work, and support them in building a career.
  • Once your submission is ready, it will undergo peer review (2-3 peers per submission). You may receive feedback and be asked to incorporate final changes or edits before we prepare it for publishing in the issue.
  • Articles will be accompanied by lay summaries (and translated summaries where appropriate) and related artwork. Every article will be open access, and we are seeking submission from non-university researchers to broaden out platform. 




Submission Types

Please note that our submissions are not subject to word limits or formatting requirements. We will also consider submissions outside of the below formats if there is strong justification. 

Article Type


Example Article

Original Article

Research that you’ve conducted, demonstrating new, original knowledge around racial health inequalities and the intersection between race and the knowledge production process.

Exploring barriers for Afghan sanctuary seekers when using mental health services.

Methods critique

A case study of a method or methodological approach to racial health inequalities research. This should provide detail on your experience using the method, lessons learnt in terms of knowledge production equity, and future uses/adaptations.

The advantages and exploitation of conducting photovoice with diaspora communities.

A recollection

An account of an event or circumstance that happened to you. What it says about racist structures, what you learnt from it, and what you want to see changed.

My experiences publishing anti-colonial work in mainstream journals.

Commentary or an Editorial

Commenting on a key debate around race and knowledge production, and racial inequalities. A compelling, provocative and well-argued piece,

We need cultural humility and specificity in sanctuary seeker mental health services

Creative writing

Using fiction, poetry, prose or spoken word to talk about race, knowledge production and health inequalities.

Tales of a Tar: Sina struggles to get an appointment for his sick grandmother.

Campaigning contribution

A description of an ongoing campaign around health inequalities, anti-colonialism or anti-racism, thinking about how research might be able to contribute and support.

Building a campaigning against migrant health charges. What researchers can do to help.


If you have any questions, please get in touch with Dr Sohail Jannesari -